Sunday, April 17, 2011


1. Haiti (Ian)-
Haiti is a very poor country which is facing many problems  including all those natural disasters that make the situation worse.
2. Somalia (PaolaC.)-
Since almost nobody know about this country they don't receive the help they need. There is a lot of poverty and many people in their are threatened cruelly. They are many human rights that are being violated.
3. Sudan (Jalimar)-
Every human have the right to be free and in this country they are taking away their freedom and treat them like animals.
4.Uganda (Valeria)- http://loving
Humans have the right to be treated equally and for free education. There's a lot of poverty and not good education and I think that child's are important for a better future so they need to get a good education.
5. Afghanistan-
Every country have the right to decide for what government they want and with the changing of government many of the problems will be solve. They are many human rights violated and they are lot of awful killings.
6. Japan (Juan)-
Japan needs help and even more now after the Tsunami. In this country they are struggling with discrimination.
7. India (Shariemar)-
Women should be treated equal as men and they need help with their education system.
8. Bangladesh (Geordaliz)-
Bangladesh is facing cruelty, violence, and discrimination against women. Men and women should be treated equally.
9. Mexico (Angelica)-
This country needs help with its economy because the bad economy situation led to many illegal things.
10. Tunisia (Adriana)-
The right of freedom of speech is violated. In this country there is corruption form the government and they do not let people to express their opinion against the government. Also there is a high unemployment rate that makes poverty grow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

HELPING Dominican republic!

The Dominican Republic is a very poor country. DR has hope to be a better country some day. One of the most important solutions that they should concider is to receive help from other countries for a better economy even though they ere independent, to expand contruction of industries, schools, houses, etc. Also people should care more about the health issues and the way people live in unsanitary and poor conditions. I've been to Dominican Republic many times and had noticed some of their problems and have seen lot of their horrible poverty. Even though, researching more information about it is interesting because I've learned many things that I didn't knew that are impressive.

Receiving help from other countries will help this country a lot. It will help industries to grow, build school with better resources of education, and houses that are able to support natural disasters. This really will help to prevent deaths, the economy to grow, and health issues would decrease because the way of life would change. Also other countries can help collecting canned food, clothe, and other resources that would be send to the poorest areas, this will make a differnece.

With the expansion of the healthcare system people would have free medical service. Since they are free more people would be able to be healthy because their is many poor people which cant afford the services and this prevent millions of deaths. The water and food should be better quality and be more clean because with the contamination of these many infections can be spread. They should make a better system of purrifying water to prevent infections such as Cholera, that is affecting many dominicans and tourists.

There's a lot of other countries that are in worse conditions but that doesn't mean that is not important. In this country theres may human rights that are violated. They should do something that help lower the violence, trafficking of people, discrimination, killings by the police or other security services, and corruption. We could do this by establishing more security, military forces, and more justice from part of the government and society.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Human Rights Issues

 Every human is  born with the right of equality and freedom  but this doesn't mean that every one  follow the rights. Dominican Republic is a country that always had been violating many of the human rights even though have a democratic government. In this country there is a lot of human rights which are violated: discrimination against Haitians and Dominico Haitians; violence, discrimination, and prostitution  against women and children; trafficking of people (were they are put as slaves or for sexual exploitation), also women are being discriminated because of HIV and this causes a unequal treatment between women and men; corruption; unlawful killings by police and security forces; arbitrary arrest and detentions of suspects, the forced people out of their homes, the freedom of communication and expression, ignore of fundamental labor rights and many others. As you see theirs a lot of the human rights that have been violated including the right to live, right to employment, and right of freedom.

Whats happening in this country is happening in many others. It is a situation  that people should care more about it. Many people just ignore this life situations that really are important for a better future. DR is a good place for tourism and if they receive help it would be better. It can expands schools, industries, etc. All human have the right to be happy and healthy.

Monday, April 11, 2011

History of what led DR to what is today?

Many historical events had led to what is Dominican Republic today. Being and independent country is also a problem because since they don't receive help from others is more difficult to have a better economy situation. This country is a very poor one in which many houses are small and most of the time have no electricity or running water. Some of the issues are health issues (HIV), Natural Disasters, Colonization, and its economy.

Many health issues are occurring in Dominican Republic and they may be caused because of the poverty and prostitution of women what causes many women to have HIV. Women with HIV in this country are being discriminated and also pregnant women. In order to a women can get a job it should not have HIV just because they said so and when they try to get a job all women are tested of HIV. Because of this many women don't try to get a job because of the fear of HIV testing or their HIV to be revealed. This thing happen a lot in this country because sex education campaigns don't address people right. But this is not the only health issue happening, theirs also many infectious and parasitic disease that are caused because of the poverty, including unsanitary water, inadequate housing,and poor nutrition.

Something that had affected Dominican Republic is colonization. When Christopher Columbus colonized this country on 1492 he treated the ones that live their unfairly. He think that they were nothing and put them as slave also many Africans were bring as slaves. Since many people were slaves or poor it is very difficult to get into a higher social class. In 1795 France defeated Spain in a war and Spain gave them the eastern two-third of Hispaniola and under French control the economy declined. Also when French were under control slave situation start growing.  

Natural disasters such as hurricanes had affected the country and its economy. On 1979 two hurricanes leave more than 200,000 people homeless and cause many damage. The damage cause by this two hurricanes worth 1billion dollars whose affect the economy and also the high fuel price and low sugar prices had affected too. And other disasters were a powerful hurricane on 1930 that killed more than 8,000 people and severe floods that occur in the south west and part of Haiti, this floods leave more than 2,000 people dead or disappeared. 

Dominican Republic has a mixed economy, this country is known as a very poor one but it also have its middle and high class. The economy is based in large services such as agriculture, tourism, trade, finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications. In 20th century the economy became more diversified and this help the growth of economy which helped the growing of middle class and the acceleration rate of urbanization. The low poverty level remains in three-fifths. The government also help in the economic growth.

Today theirs a health issue happening in Dominican Republic. Cholera is an infection that is caused by consuming contaminated water or food. The main symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting; this infection can caused death. In Dominican Republic theirs some cases confirmed and to prevent it you must take some precautions.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dominican Republic main language is Spanish but they are other languages that are spoken such as English because of emigration to US, German, French, and Italian.Its main religion is Roman Catholicism but other religions are also practiced. For example some are evangelicals and voodoo is practiced secretly.

Dominicans celebrate many holidays which some are similar of the ones we celebrate here in Puerto Rico.
Some holidays are :
- Christmas (New Years, Three Kings, etc.)
- Juan Pablo Duarte's Birthday (Jan. 26)
- Independence Day from Haiti (Feb. 27)
- Pan- American Day (April 14)
- Labor Day (May 1)
- Founding of Santo Domingo (Aug. 5)
- Restoration Day (Aug. 6)
- Colombus Day (Oct. 12)                         
- United Nations Day (Oct. 24)
- Christian Holy Week 

The Diablo Cojuelo Mask
 Festivals- celebrated with lot of music, dances, people wearing costumes, and everything very colorful.Some of them are the Cocolo Festival, Latin music festival, Merengue festival on Malecon of Santo Domingo, Fiestas Patronales, every town has its own (Boca Chica, Saint Andrew Fiesta Patronal). Carnivals- the biggest and colorful event in which people dance in the streets, participate in parades, wear costumes, and have lot of FUN!

The food of this country has been influenced by Taino Indians, African slaves, Spaniards and many other emigrants. The typical food is rice and beans, plantains in any form (mofongo-mached plantains, fried ripe plantains, mangu- is like mofongo usually for breakfast) vegetables, different types of meals, sancocho- kind of dense soupwith lot vegetables, corn, meal, sometimes with rice. Many of the fruits they eat are the same as in PR including avocado, banana, and papaya. The desserts include Cheese cake, coconut  candy, Tres leches, and flan. Dominican Republic have a unique style of cooking. One of the best meals is named La Bandera which consist of white rice, beans, meat, plantains, and vegetables. They also have a typical beer of DR named Presidente and other drink called Mamajuana. The other drinks are really common such as tropical juice.

They are many old and interesting architecture which still beautiful such as religious buildings & government houses. In DR paintings has developed after literature. The literary works have an European influence. People that makes part of the literature are Don Pedro Mir; a national poet, Julia Alvarez; an author that is creating its own dominican style and some painters; Ramon Oviedo, Jose Rincon Mora, and Leopoldo Navarro. Since there are many tourists dominicans start creating new handicrafts such as dolls, jewelry, baskets, ceramics, textiles, and wood carvings. I've gone there many times and in the hotels there are many stores in which they sell their own creations and some of them are made with natural objects such as palms and coconuts. They said that Santo Domingo is an open air art gallery, is important in art and paintings. 

They are music and dancing lovers. The most popular music and dancing is Merengue in which they are really good at, other important type of music are bachata & salsa. They are other influences like Jamaican reggae, reggaeton, Hip-Hop, and Rock. Sometimes they use instruments. Some of them used for typical music are guira, guiro, tambora, and indian gourd. Africans also have influenced Dominican Republic dance.Their dancing is a great entertainment for tourists, in many hotels they make shows. 

Dominican Republic people are very happy, animated, friendly, hospitable, and polite. One of the most important greetings is the hand shake that is usually between men or people that don't know each other, but usually when they know each other between they kiss in the cheeks except when they are men. Old people may be addressed by Don or Do-a. Something unique in them is that instead of pointing with their fingers their use their lips. In there they used a lot good morning or what corresponds, "buen provecho" when they are eating, god bless you from parents and aunts, and how are you?

- Meeting Etiquettes:
Handshake and smiling. Always maintaining eye contact and when hand shaking use good morning or what is appropriate.
- Gift Giving Etiquette:
When you are invited to a dinner, bring a gift such as something to drink or chocolates. The gifts are always open when received.
- Invitation to a Dominican house Etiquette:
Dress good for the occasion and have a nice appearance. Get there punctually or 15-30 minutes later is not consider late. When you are in table watch your manners and before sitting on the table you should wait until they tell you where to sit. Guests are always serve first and they should say buen provecho that means have a good meal. Always keep hands visible and do not rest elbows on the table. Most of the time leave a small amount of food on the plate and after finishing eating place the knife and fork across the plate.
This country is viewed as a very poor country even though everybody is not poor. Far from tourists attractions most of the houses are small, usually without running water and without electricity, and man streets are narrow and have no concrete.